On behalf of the members of the Tea Rose Foundation of Cerritos, I would like to welcome you to our website.
Kimberly Waters-Joseph
Tea Rose Foundation of Cerritos President

The Tea Rose Foundation of Cerritos was established in 2021 as a 501 (c) (3) organization to provide educational and charitable support to the residents of Cerritos and its surrounding communities
The current and past Board members are to be commended for their continued dedication, service, and unselfish commitment to our community. They continue to tirelessly give of their time, talents, and leadership to ensure that we stay true to our mission to foster access and resources advancing equitable cultural, educational, health, and socioeconomic conditions for the citizens of Cerritos and the surrounding cities through community programming and engagement,
I thank you in advance for your interest and continued support of the Tea Rose Foundation of Cerritos.
Kimberly Waters Joseph
Tea Rose Foundation of Cerritos